@Formula editing mode for JEdit

Big @formulas are easier to write in JEdit, here is my editing mode. Put it in the modes directory of JEdit, add the following lines to the catalog file in the same directory (it has to go between the MODES-tags): <MODE NAME=”atformula” FILE=”atformula.xml” FILE_NAME_GLOB=”*.{atformula,at}” /> When you open a file with the extension .at or […]

An even better View Generated Source bookmarklet

Tim Powell has made a great bookmarklet for viewing the HTML source in Firefox When developing web applications, I often use JavaScript to create output in the browser. But it is sometimes hard to know what the generated source looks like.

How to get the status of a FarCry server via BeanShell

This is just a small test of UDP-programming in Java and Beanshell. BeanShell is a fantastic small scripting environment, that will execute any Java expressions. It can also be used to run small ”macro” type files, that actually are uncompiled Java sources. To get the status of a FarCry server, you have to send a […]